Last updated: March 1, 2023


GAMING FORCE Privacy Policy

GAMING FORCE makes sure and reasonable all times to provide protection to the privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy is created to present our commitment to fair information practices. This Privacy Policy covers GAMING FORCE use of personal information that we collect in the normal session of our work.when you otherwise interact with us, including when you attend events hosted or attended by GAMING FORCE and when you contact us for support.

Information You Provide When Playing/Downloading Games

When you do download/play our games, your in-game profile information, gameplay, and statistics are visible. In some of our titles, when you play certain multiplayer modes, we may record your gameplay and replay it to other users as well. In competitive game modes, we may record your gameplay, and your controller button inputs, and replay these together with your in-game profile information and game statistics.


In GAMING FORCE, we have special policy for childrens/kids.

We do not contact or collect information from children under 13 without the permission of their parent/guardians. If you believe that we have inadvertently collected such information, please contact us so we can promptly obtain parental/guardian consent or delete the information.

Data controller

In GAMING FORCE “data controller,” means an entity that indicate how personal data is processed. GAMING FORCE are the data controller.

Contact information

In GAMING FORCE, you can reach us by email at

In GAMING FORCE, We have seperate Protection policy (“DPO”) to oversee our data protection related matters. If you have any questions or concerns about the way we use your data, you may contact our DPO by email at


In GAMING FORCE, When you use our Services, you might also use third party services, such as Facebook, Twitter and Game Center.We don't handle how these services interact with you and you should ensure that you consent to the terms of use and privacy policies offered by the third party services before providing them with your information.You should acknowledge that you are not liable when third party services use information you provide to them.


In GAMING FORCE, It is important to us that where we collect, use or disclose your personal information we have your consent to do so. Depending on the sensitivity of the personal information, your consent may be implied, deemed (using an opt-out mechanism) or express. Express consent can be given orally, electronically or in writing. Implied consent is consent that can reasonably be inferred from your action or inaction.


In GAMING FORCE, Creative Mobile will be entitled to unilaterally amend this Privacy Policy. Creative Mobile shall inform Data Subjects about amendments on the website of Creative Mobile, by e-mail or by other means.The latest update of the Privacy Policy: 11th MAY, 2022